24/11/07 - 25/11/07
Met kai, jiting and joshua at 2 plus.. all late.. haha.. wanted to watch stardust but dun have.. so we went to brash brasah to source for our DnD stuff.. then joshua friend tag along.. so we walk throught the whole art frend ah.. to get ideas for DnD Doorgift..
after that accompany joshua friend to haver her lunch cum dinner.. then walk back to bugis to meet ryan. went to cinelesiure to watch the kingdom...
Davio join my MA class.. so after class went SU.. to settle some stuff ah.. then bought food to SU to eat.. Grace and wilson was there too.. did a bit of collating the vendors list.. then went to play soccer with my friends..
so many ppl playing today ah.. play a few matches then i need go ready.. cos gt meeting.. haha.. then went for meeting.. nt many turn up but still alright ah.. carry on with meeting..
after meeting, went home to have dinner, bathe.. TV.. then Msn for a while before ZZzzZZZzzzz.. cos nt working 2molo.. haha..
-= Dreams are Fake.. they lead u to nowhere.. i hate u... =-
School was alright.. ended a bit early.. so went to slack abit at library.. then went to meet the rest at 5 at Bishan Junction 8... so took 52 to J8..
Met william at 5 30 like tt.. then we go the nearby library slack.. then decided to go school ( ITE Bishan, Fond Fond Memories..) to wait for bud and zizah...
haha. then we mistook one ger for them.. beri funny ah.. cos we were like welcuming her.. but wrong person.. lol..
Finally.. they arrived then we went for the grad. nite at the audi ah.. haha.. it was fun ah.. was like so sad ah.. everytime is invite ppl come back.. but this time is we come back..
had dinner at the BLk D.. then khai come and join us.. haha.. exco reunion.. lol.. then the show goes on.. i was realli touched ah.. every1 like grow up ready.. and its like few months.. as in they mature ready.. like get over their stage fright la.. and etc. wat make so proud was they followed us.. -= During my time as Exco, their oath taking.. =-
Was proud and touched ah.. cos its the 15th exco hu started this formation.. then they did a 16 want.. beri touched.. haha..
then when it ended, toked to mrs ng and mrs foo.. can see tt they are exhausted taking care of them.. haha.. miss them so much.. after that took mrt to city hall then change bus to home..
home, bathe and ZZzzZZZzzZZZZzzz......
-= ITE Bishan = Fond Fond Memories... =-
Reach school at 8.. then help to paste the numbers on the sheids for the sub tribe.. after that went to Convenction Centre.. a lot of red campers wor.. started off with the lucky draws.. teach them cheers.. then suddenly one of the red campers ask mi to bring her friends here cos they are lost..
Well then they were at the swimming pool.. its like a distance from swimming pool to CC ah.. but i still went there to find them.. brought them to CC.. then rested a while then need to go class ready.. Miss the baracudas prefromance.. haizzz.. haha..
then went to LMS presentation.. did our stuff as in presentation la.. then see other group 1.. then i was busy doing my minutes ah.. the bcomm assignment.. so is my other groupmates.. haha.. with their own teammates..
After lesson went to library to finish up my tutorials and assignment.. then report for redcamp.. they were at BA blk.. playing games at the makeshift fountain there.. then go LT73.. for the nevia tok.. about the courses ah..
then went for the mini cca fiesta.. then had dinner together with the other SL.. fun fun.. haha.. then they teach them the mass dance.. but i didnt get to dance ah.. cos need to go DnD meeting ready.. so me and kian wei went to SU..
Serene and jiewei was there, kian wei, vernan.. darren of course our head.. haha.. to discuss ah. cos the dnd date clash with cca fiesta/ prestige fair... then settle 2/5/08 for DnD.. 18/4/08 for cca fiesta and prestige.. after dnd meeting.. we had a mini prestige meeting.. haha.. funny ah..
went to this chinses stall to eat duck noodles.. haha.. mel, ryan, jazreel, jiting, vanessa were there.. after eating.. went home.. so sainz ah.. everytime go home alone.. haha..
home was the best place to be.. bathe, tv and ZZzzZZzzZZzz...
-= Long long day, was really beri tired.. wonder whats on 4 2molo? =-
-= Stucked.. how ah? =-
Ended school a bit early ah.. ard 3 plus.. so meet up with my rest of the group to finish up the LMS project ah.. cos 2molo gt presentation.. OMG.. hate presentation.. haha...
we did some filming here and there. then finish up the project report, presentation slides.. can u imagine.. we finish at ard like 8 plus 9 ah.. then everybody was like so tired ah..
went home to have dinner.. bathe then rest early cos need to be school by 8 2molo for red camp.. haha..
-= Lets hope 2molos presentation is a sucess.. haha.. =-
School was Alright ah.. the same lo.. so bored.. haha.. after school met kai to finish up the proposal thingy..
then meet my IS project mates.. to discuss the project.. then after that gt red camp mass briefing.. get the shirt and the badge..
-= Front view of a Spartan Tee =-
-= Front view of a Spartan Tee =-
-= The Badges.. Apaches, Centurians, Nijas, Spartans and Vikings.. =-
Learn the cheers for the camp.. then we letf at ard 7 plus 8.. then went home have dinner.. bathe.. tv.. then ZZzzZZzzzzzz...
-= I think ill be like be home everyday ard this time ah.. no life.. =-
Woke up.. had wanton mee and earl grey.. then watch heroes... haha. gt the series but no time to watch...
after watching. go bathe, had lunch.. then do tutorials.. for the 1t time sia.. haha.. then weekdays no need to chiong ready.. haha.. manage to do a few ah.. but nt all..
at nite, dinner, TV, soccer then ZZzzZZzzZZzzz....
-= I'm Such a Good Boy.. no choice ah.. CT cuming.. haha.. =-
reached workplace.. then jonika come late.. so cafe operate from like 11 plsu 12 ah.. then asheed tel mi and hong yan to go do the musuem.. bring the chairs to museum then put seat cover over them.. the place is liek damn hot ah. plus carrying things here and there..
finally finished.. then went back have lunch.. then continue work again.. this time bring all the xmas deco stuff from museum to country rose.. fun ah.. cos use the bungy.. haha.. after that we do xmas deco from liek 4 plus till 9 plus ah.. in between gt break ah.. we finish a lot ah..
the deco, we need to put a tie on the decorated xmas tree... miniature 1.. haha.. some need to cut off the tail of the deco.. i did before ah. this is teh SIA project.. hang the deco on the plane thingy..
If all take SIA plane this year during xmas time.. u should be able to see it.. haha..
then had dinner.. then after work.. went home bathe, watch soccer then ZZzzZZzzZZZ.. was damned tired..
-= If its yours, then it wun run away no matter wat.. but if u dun do anything, and wait for miracle.. then u muz well go S**K BaLLs.. =-
School was fine.. after school went home.. cos meeting at 7 at Vivocity.. no point staying in school.. haha.. went home play game.. then went vivo..
Met fizah, fatimah, bud, fizah bf, and his friend ah.. had dinner at banquet.. then went to the 3rd story to chat ah.. cos like so long nv see each other ready.. then chatted till 10 then we left ready.. before leaving we took pic..
-= Me, Badrin, Fizah, Fatimah, Fizah bf and his friend.. =-
After that went home, bathe, then watch tv a while.. then ZZzzZZzzzZZzzz.. cos 2molo gt work...
-= Work again 2molo, i hope it will be fun no more sia kang ah.. haha.. =-
Teahcer came late.. OMG.. but i m early..y like tt sia.. haha.. everytime opp. haha.. school was the same.. sally chew was cool ah.. she dun drag 1. haha..
after lecture, went to su ah,, for prestige meeting.. disucss bout the fair.. ya.. and so on.. haha.. after tt, went home to have dinner, do tutorials.. tv then ZZZzzZZZzz...
-= OMG, my blog is like getting bored and more bored... juz like me.. no life.. wonder if u are viewing.. haha.. =-
Its a odd week, so gt LMS and IAC.. ended class ard 3 plus.. then do project until 5 plus 6 ah.. then go SU..
Meeting at 8.. so juz tok cok with all teh ppl there.. haha.. but im like gt so many thigns to do la.. haiz.. endless work..
After meeting went to Azhar to eat with teh SU ppl.. then vernan and davio hoin us.. then they disturb the poor joseph.. cos he dun take spicy stuff.. after finishing my food.. i juz left.. cos gt some unfinished tutorials to be completed..
Home, bathe, faster chiong tutorial.. then ZZzzZZzzZZZzz...
-= Truth is i cant stand some of u.. i knoe its meant with a joke but please ah theres a limit can.. =-
After School, met kai to do the proposal for The Prestige Fair II .. after tt, went SU to meet jie wei.. let him vet the proposal ah.. left ard 6 plus..
Met silvia, have dinner at botak jones.. so long nv go ready.. haha.. i like the spicy fries...
Home, then the usual stuff.. bathe, tv, ZZzzZZZzzzz...
-= Y Fight a War, when u knoe u r going to lose.. For Honour and GLory? =-
School was like the same.. OMG.. Common Test Cuming.. so bored.. Need to study soon... After School went home to slack..
Mum and Dad come back from work.. Sister come back from school.. then nv cook.. so went to have dinner at chinatown.. had porridge.. i like porridge ah.. but my family dun really like.. so only eat occaionally.. wonder if i realli related to them sia.. haha.. different taste.. my sister always cannot finish hers.. haha.. quite big bowl ah.. Its my treat.. since i gt my pay for work..
after that went home, then tv, tutorials and ZZzzZZzzZZzz...
-= Holidays faster come.. please.. =-
10/11/07 - 11/11/07
Work was nt alright.. kanna bullied ah.. the minister cuming for a talk at my workplace.. its the minister of environment and water resource.. Dr Yaacob Ibrahim.. then operate from 11-2 break then 5 plus continue again..
cos need to set up buffet.. then muz remove the tables.. nobody helped.. i alone bring mostly all the tables out ah.. then was sweating like hell.. one was doing cashiering.. the other was doing nth.. then left 2 gers and the cook.. OMFG...
when everything its over.. i have to bring the tables back.. this time i clever.. i carry a few tables back then i go one place slack.. shit ah.. everything i also do..
after work.. chiong home.. bathe then go jiting house play mahjong.. luckily gt the last 106 to bukit batok.. met joseph along the way..
dindt win at 1st.. lost bout 11.. then 2nd round win back 21 like tt.. haha.. was lucky ah.. the 1st round was long we play till 5 plus i think.. cos we ordered mac at 4 plus like.. haha... then 2nd round played til morning 9 plus 10 ah.. then 3rd round play for a while ah... lose bout 1 buck like tt.. haha.. fun ah.. was realli damn lucky..
then chiong home sleep ah.. til nite 7 plus 8.. then parents at chinatown da pao for me.. haha.. did a bit of homework.. watch soccer and then zZzZZzzz again...... Like a pig...
-= If its realli what u want.. then go get it.. =-
School was alright 2day.. MA was like the same la.. dun realli like the lecture.. haha.. the lecturer said "PODUCTION" instead of Production.. haha.. Bcomm was boring at 1st. then at the last part we played some games.. quite fun.. haha..
After school, went to play soccer.. came a bit later cos need to do some stuff.. then when i sub in rite.. i score ready.. haha.. lucky ah.. cos rebound ah.. played till like 5 plus then go the student plaza the toilet there bathe.. haha..
went for prestige meeting, was a short want ended ard 7 plus.. then matt suggested to play mahjong.. since we end early then we agreed ah.. onli 3 of us.. jiting, mi, matt.. then matt called her frend along.. we cabbed to batok.. then had dinner there then went jiting house play mahjong..
played till like 11 plus ah.. i ended losing some cents ah.. matt frend was the overall big winner.. haha.. towards the end.. was quite tired ah.. Long Day.. managed to catch the last bus home..
Home bathed and ZZZZzzzZZZZzzz.. gt work 2molo.. sad ah.. muz go cant pon ready.. haha.. 2molo having another round of mahjong again..this was planned long ago.. after work wor.. sure damned tired 1.. haha..
-= Thinking thinking thinking.. how to catch you if i can? =-
-= Beri x 100000 tired.. =-
Woke up, was tired ah.. then tummy a bit ache.. so call to say not feeling well.. so nv work.. continue ZZzzzZZzzZZzzz...
Aunt call to ask 1 2 watch the moive Brothers not? we agreed ah then go Bishna Junction 8 watch.. cos only there gt 2 plus movie.. earliest.. Wao.. Bishan.. lots of fond memories.. cant and never 4get.. haha..
Reach there ard 1 plus.. then go walk walk.. buy some snacks like the shilin, old chang kee and some other stuff ah.. bought pop corns, drinks.. haha.. then watch BROTHERS...
-= The movie was like alright la... quite a nice show... but a typical chinese movie.. like small brother comes back from USA.. dun knoe anything 1 2 try 2 act as if knoe want to solve this and that.. like beri clever but gt himslef to lots of trouble.. then big bro. came to save his ass.. big bro died in the end.. small bro take over business and make it a upright company instead of a company controlled by the gangsters.. =-
After movies.. we went to ang mo kio to eat crab.. along the way we saw a chicken.. reall life want.. haha..
we had crab bee hoon with soup and tang hoon.. haha. nice nice.. after that da pao rojak and dessert home.. i ordered the mango pudding saygo.. beri nice.. but nt all the dessert stall have.. so sad.. haha..
Home, did some tutorial, then watch tv.. then at nite hungry ready.. cos juz now eat crab at ard 4 plus 5.. then ask dad to cook fried mee.. haha.. after that msned for a while then ZZZzzZZZzzZZzzz....
-= Lazy boy didnt go work today.. haizz. when will hardworking take over lazyiness? =-
-= When will be the 1st ? =-
Was in real happy mood today.. dun knoe why.. then was cam whoring when i walk to bus stop..
-= My personal favourite.. =) =-
-= Haiz.. waiting time for the bus is a killer.. =-
Reach school for LMS.. i onli hope that the teacher will end early then i can go for B law lect. LMS as usual was bored.. haha.. she ended at 1140 like tt.. then i faster chiong to LT 22.. but the teacher was about to finish the lect. ready... she was like super fast la.. her lect ended like 12 plus when the lect was til 1pm.. borrowed notes from siew hwee.. so poor thing...
-= did cross my mind to skip LMS to go for Blaw lect, means i can reach school at 11, can sleep more but i dun have time for LMS make up ( cos the make up is afternoon), then i gt RFA tutorial make up.. =-
had lunch at canteen 1 then went for RFA make up... the way she teach like different from my class tutorial ( same teacher btw).. she went through the lect again la but not for my tutorial.. haha.. somethign fishy ah..
then went to help out for personal identity at 56-02-02.. onli few of us were there.. so we cut the spartan head out and paste on the shield.. then i went to SU for DnD meeting.. quite a number of us attend todays meeting.. LOL..
at ard 9 plus.. we ended meeting.. then we went holland eat Swensens.. OMg.. haha.. at this hour.. i had chicken baked rice.. then the ice cream gt promo.. one for one.. realli cool deal ah.. jolene, matt, me, kai, joseph, joshua, jiting, nicholas, seng kwan were there.. think like ard there ah.. if i nv mention ur name PS ah.. realli had a nice dinner ah.. haha.
we chiong to catch the last bus ah.. then sum took cab home.. then jiting, matt and some others went to play mahjong.. didnt join them cos gt work 2molo, summore i wearing contacts.. ya.. manage to took last home.. PONG PONG.. then msn then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...
-= Realli had a great fun fantastic day today, it would be the best day if u were ard.. =-
-= didnt see u at meeting.. so sad.. =-
-= Even the best fall down sometime, but i realli had a big fall.. =-
Tax was alright ah, the teacher was asking for a rep. for her module.. since no 1 volunteer, then i volunteer ah.. tax was alright ah.. computation.. after that was break.. had lunch at canteen 1..
then presentation.. ya.. presentation.. friday's b comm lesson.. my class ppl all volunteered.. then until my turn.. lesson finished ready.. yup so 2day onli left the few of ppl present.. i was lod la.. clear dun knoe leh.. was a bit nervous.. haha.. then my video cant play.. cos the school server was so slow.. cant d/l from the net.. so Crappy. lol..
after that was tax lect. we sat behind cos the ppl in front were annoying.. but this time.. the ppl ard us were toking.. they didnt have any notes. were juz blah blah blahing away.. during break we switch to the side.. haha.. cant concentrate..
went to canteen 1 to slack. cos got make up lect at 5pm.. we chose to go RFA makeup lect. instead of Blaw.. which was like a big mistake ah. the lecturer was blah blah blahing the 1st hour onli the second hour, then seh realli start to teach the impt part. the next day my friend told me law lect onli lasted for 45 min.. i feel so cheated.... =(
after that went home.. the same old routine.. tutorials... Tv.. dinner.. and of course the thing i love to do most.. ZZzzZZZzzZZZzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...
-= lets hope presentation is fine.. lol.. =-
-= i feel so cheated, why cant i always find the win win situation.. Haiz... =-
Came a bit late for Blaw.. but the teacher was king, mark my attendance ( of course ah, a bit late onli..)... lesson was alright ah.. juz tt dun realli like his style of teaching.. its like our answer then he will modify a bit ah.. then tts the answer for the tutorial.. so worried for law..
Miec was alright ah.. he explained the facts and everything.. juz that realli need to pay attention if not cant catch wat he is saying.. after that slowly walk to LT 28.. classes ended late so muz well slowly walk there.. haha..
lecture was a bit chaotic ah.. students tok when the lecutrer toking.. then the 2pid lecturer was so childish... he said if we continue toking he will leave the LT.. watever.. haha..
afetr that meet kai to SIM to eat... OMG its been like ages since i went megabites.. but too bad no more chicken chop.. he s meeting some ger later.. dun knoe hu lah.. in the end onli discuss a bit of the proposal for the prestige fair..
then i bussed home, slept a bit.. did some tutorial.. dinner.. watch tv.. then ZZzzZZzzzZZzzZZ..
-= Sleep is never enough.. i dun knoe why no matter how much i sleep... )
Went to Marina Square in the afternoon with my family.. cos my father want to see the visit malaysia fair at suntec..
Went to Marina Square the foodloft to have lunch.. i ate the BBQ chicken wif rice.. nice nice.. haha.. then went shop ard MS.. nth much nice to me.. dunhave the brums i want leh.. haha. saw some nice shirts.. buy next time.. no money wor.. haha..
saw one adidas backpack.. tempted to buy sia.. but my parents say not nice, beri big.. then nv buy lo.. haha.. then we went to suntec.. my father went to the fair, my sister, mi and mum went to arcade.. haha.. after one hour plus meet dad.. buy donuts.. the shilin chicken then bus home.. haha..
reach home, had dinner did some tutorial.. then watch soccer.. then zzZZzzZZZzzz...
-= Has it realli begin? =-
Woke up late.. then took mrt to kranji then cab to work.. haha.. tired ah.. slept late last nite..
Nth much today.. the usual stuff.. not many people also.. ate chicken chop ( lunch) and the grilled dory ( Dinner)...
Was washing the plates then suddenly nose bleed.. so ask hong yan take over.. i rest.. haha.. think too heaty then not enough sleep also.. then Vincent brought us to AMK Mrt.. i took 166 home.. it's realli damn long ah the journey.. reach home bout 11 plus 12 like tt.. bathe watch a bit of soccer then ZZzzZZzzzZZZZzzzzzzZZZZ....
-= Will u take care of me when i'm Sick? =-
After School went SU, cos helping out at AGM.. AGM starts at ard 6 plus.. cos we need to give out the prestige card to those attending.. then need to print their names.. saw a lot of familar faces at AGM.. we sat at the last row.. cos quite a number of ppl attended..
didnt really attend the AGM, cos need to help out at the Prestige booth.. had mee siam at the dinner at the reception.. wasnt realli enough for my stomach ah.. after AGM went to SU..
intially nth to do.. then we played texas hold'em with quite a number of ppl.. think like 8 or 9 ppl like tt.. haha.. then tehy ordered pizza.. so we shared ah.. i was 4th to be out la.. so suay.. haha.. cos 3rd 2nd and1st gt money.. they had their own mini halloween party.. haha.. juz teh few of them.. so funny ah.. but towards teh nite.. all tired ready.. knocked out at the sofa.. haha.
then towards late nite.. left me, matt, ryan, jolene, wilson, davio, darren.. the rest either cab home or went to bukit timah plaza.. so we played hold'em again.. then suddenly air con switched off.. they they call teh security ppl.. then they refuse to turn on.. in the end th e4 of us cabbed home.. intially they wanted to stay over.. but i going home no matter wat ah.. cos gt work 2molo..
reach home bathe and zzZZzzZZzzzzzz...
-= Actions speaks louder then words... when will action take place...? =-
School was like normal today.. bored.. saw my cousin today at co-op walking to the ICT block.. too far away ready. so didnt call her.. anyway, will be seeing her later for dinner.. haha..
went to SU after school cos gt prestige meeting at 5 plus.. had a fast meeting.. ended ard 6 plus... call mum to see if i need to rush down to the restuarant.. but she take slowly ah dinner onli starts at 730. so i slowly took bus down..
Reach yan palace, saw my father smoking outside alone.. haha. so means they inside the room eating ready.. haha.. our room was..
-= haha... dun knoe how to read in chinese.. Its juz a room wif KTV.. lol.. =-
Drank chrysanthemum tea beer.. the food was ok la.. quite nice.. ate quite a lot, gt chicken, peking duck, shark fin and etc. My uncle treating us.. haha.. we eat, sing song, chit chat, some catch up wif my aunties and uncles.. haha..
took some pictures with my cousins..